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Mark II造句


1、the Jaguar XJ6, Mark II

Mark II造句

2、The Fifth Arab-Israel War and Camp David Mark II

3、Experiment Study on the Surface Roughness of Vita Mark II in Dental Finishing;

4、During the week after its release, the Mark II plan had STG buzzing.

5、The appeal of going to the Moon with Mark II, however, was not so easily quashed.

6、After cutting circumlunar flight from the Mark II plan, Chamberlin revived the even more daring idea of using the spacecraft in a lunar landing program.

7、The last two flights, scheduled for March and May 1965, were circumlunar, and the whole package added only $ 60 million to the cost of the basic Mark II program.

8、维尔德Mark II型,就任,欢迎仪式就免了,寄身于黑暗的我,没有接受礼花的必要……

9、Mark III block [public housing]

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