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Jimmy Durante's buffoonery was hilarious.


They think this is hilarious.

Which is pretty hilarious until it won't stop doing it.

He does a hilarious imitation of Tony Blair.

The effect is equal parts hilarious and shocking.

The most hilarious errors came from garbage records.

He's a man who probably still thinks burping is hilarious.

In this third film in the franchise, Scrat is still chasing his acorn with hilarious results.

I click "Share" whenever I find an interesting item, be it hilarious or serious.

Everyone thinks this is hilarious. I want to know when the guns get handed out.

A former model wrote a hilarious novel based on pillow talk with her many male friends.

I came across this joke today. It's absolutely hilarious yet brutally true.

This clever and hilarious cover either consciously or unconsciously pays homage to the famous painting the Scream by Edvard Munch.

I like it too, for the charming illustrations, hilarious dialogue and instruction in cutting-edge behavioural economics.

His engaging — and often hilarious — style pokes fun at typical human behavior and invokes pop-culture references everyone can relate to.

She said: “people used to chase me round the playground at school with banana peels and everyone used to laugh at me. They thought it was hilarious.”

The reason for this is obvious: toy Story 3 is a touching, hilarious, and thrilling movie about the private lives of toys.

Their hilarious appearance at the 2007 Oscars — where they built witty silhouettes to punctuate the ceremony — brought the troupe further into the public eye.

As with all my regular mini-disasters I made it into a hilarious dinner party story. But inside I didn’t find it funny.

So, a party game after a few drinks and it is hilarious, but if you are dining with Pastor Bill and his wife, or the Armenian ambassador, or your daughter's Principal, you might want to be careful.

Our "candy" was awarded every now and then in the form of hilarious jokes and situations and little things he did that just kept the class from dying on him.

To prove him wrong, she went to her study, which was a den of deep-pile silk rugs and pillows the size of armchairs, to create some scenes of a marriage that was both perfect and hilarious.

Be funny. Kind-spirited humor can douse a hot argument, head off a fight, and turn the drudgery of household responsibilities and planning into something witty, smart, and hilarious.

标签:hilarious 造句