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The tables were laid lengthwise.


Also a cut lengthwise on the nose.

Operation 2 - fold inward lengthwise, then unfold.

Peel the onion and cut it in half lengthwise.

Rinse the cabbage, remove stump, and cut in half lengthwise.

To saw(a log)into quarters lengthwise along its axis.

Repeat the measurement with contacts lengthwise to engine cylinder hea

The threads that run lengthwise in a woven fabric, crossed at right angles to the woof.

1/2 Japanese cucumber, cut in half lengthwise and sliced, for garnish

Folded together lengthwise, as certain leaves or certain petals in a bud.

Flattened, especially laterally or lengthwise, as certain leafstalks or the bodies of many fishes.

The system algorithm is designed for pipeline's cross and lengthwise section.

Measure an equal distance from the selvage to determine the crosswise width and fold along the lengthwise grain

bone [excl. whalebone, worked beyond cleaning, simple sawing, cutting (crosswise or lengthwise), rough planning, flattening or bleaching]

A detailed discussion on lengthwise cutting device of ultra-thin glass was given and a brief introduction to the forms of lengthwise cutting in plate glass production was also presented.

A one-way plaid is uneven in the lengthwise direction only. Pattern. pieces are laid out in one direction.

Being or relating to a jet aircraft having a wide fuselage with passenger seats divided by two lengthwise aisles.

Expander Settings, brush position and rotation speed, lengthwise tension are fully adjustable through touch screen to achieve the desired effect.

A broad sash, especially one that is pleated lengthwise and worn as an article of formal dress, as with a dinner jacket.

The principal structural member of a ship, running lengthwise along the center line from bow to stern, to which the frames are attached.

Cut the interfacing with the grain line, matching the lengthwise direction of the pattern. Fuse both interfacing pieces to the fabric.

any of various showy orchids of the genus Calanthe having white or yellow or rose-colored flowers and broad leaves folded lengthwise.

When the pattern piece is too wide to be accommodated on the fold of the fabric, as in circular skirts, the lower corner is pieced along the lengthwise grain. Add seam allowance so that the pieces can be joined properly.

The direction of bending needle-head can be inclined left(-) or starboard helm(+), which will protect the end cloth material lengthwise and sidelong, and reduce the damage to the minimun.

After crossing the stream and passing by the Wang's house, they came upon a clump of ten or fifteen thin cedar trees, one of which had recently fallen and lay lengthwise on the ground.They sat down on the trunk.

Trace the roll line, darts and seam allowances from the entire jacket front pattern piece. Match the lengthwise direction of the interfacing to the grain line of the pattern piece.

Curious, Hung-chien pulled out a drawer and opened one of the cards.At the top of one card he saw the two characters "Tu Fu" written lengthwise in red ink.Underneath a heading was written in purple ink followed by the text in tiny characters in blue ink.

标签:lengthwise 造句