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unsigned int造句


1、These shifts can be avoided by using int and unsigned int for local variables.

unsigned int造句

2、This call also initializes the semaphore count: int sem_init(sem_t *sem, int pshared, unsigned int value). In this code

3、Spu_splats ((unsigned int) 5) creates a vector of unsigned ints with each element having the value 5.

4、Ensure that an unsigned int is used where appropriate to prevent sign extension.

5、spu_promote((unsigned int)5, 1) creates a vector of unsigned ints with 5 in the second element (element 1), and the remaining elements undefined.

6、The resulting perfect hash() function returns an unsigned int value in the range 0..(k-1), where k is the maximum keyword hash value +1.

7、Physical addresses are represented as a32- bit unsigned integer.

8、If the unsigned integer type has rank greater than or equal to the rank of the signed integer type, the common type is the unsigned type.

9、An unsigned integer and the result of the sizeof operator.

10、The value of the year and month components allow an unsigned integer.

11、The problem arises when passing the sum of signed and unsigned ints as long.

12、A CCSID is a 16-bit unsigned integer that uniquely identifies a particular code page.

13、An address with a high numerical value when viewed as an unsigned integer. The highest address in a64K memory is FFFF.

标签:unsigned Int 造句