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educational background造句


Tell me something about your educational background.

educational background造句

Tips: a good educational background is important.

A good educational background is important.

Music esthetic education under the multicultural educational background;

So-called educational background includes school, department and degree.

Norris' educational background is a key to his restless mind.

They may ask you to tell them more about your educational background and your working background.

Teacher's educational background reaches the mark rate 100%, teachers above 80% own the university undergraduate course educational background, 5 teachers graduates.

After that you should emphasize your skills, educational background and related experience.

Jack: Yes. After that you should emphasize your skills, educational background and related experience.

I have enclosed a resume of my educational background and employment history.

Our club is open to everyone regardless of age, sex or educational background.

They have not only excellent educational background, but also management experience of large multinational corporations in the world.

Questions need to be pertinent to students' educational background; otherwise the university creates an incentive for false or exaggerated information.

Then you may think that I am not fit for this job according to my educational background.

On the problem of marriage for the youth with a high educational background--A report on the marriage and the concept of child bearing for the Chinese youth;

As a newcomer of a company, Yang Xiaoli has low educational background and no experience. The position given to her by the company is reception.

Different educational background, the level of work and wage in the first employment are different, of course, there are intersections between levels.

Equally, the deafs outlet who have also accepted the higher education are not better than the blinds who have the same educational background.

Not really. The cover letter is courteous and short, but the resume should include something such as personal data, educational background, experience and names of references.

Even if they are both got high educational background and gets a good salary. As all know, most of people still couldn't join into mortgage slave team without helps from their family.

The younger Dorrance's first project was to try to figure out how to make a condensed soup, a recipe he quickly solved with his educational background in chemistry and mathematics.

It is not worth showing off that the key institutions of the entrance exam and the college entrance exam are not worth showing off. The final graduate students are the most persuasive educational background.

In India's election this year voters were able to use their handsets to call up information about candidates, such as their educational background and any criminal charges they might be facing.