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Cheese often upsets her stomach.


The lousy food upsets my stomach.

He upsets the breakfast table, throwing everything onto the floor.

Even with a loss, Canada will advance unless New Zealand upsets the United States or Japan upsets Norway, both unlikely.

Campylobacter bugs can cause stomach upsets, vomiting and diarrhoea.

Human development upsets the delicate equilibrium of the ecosystem.

Your lack of routine upsets this steady sign.

The extra repetitions should be applied to any situation, person or event that upsets you.

It upsets me to think of her all alone in that big house.

This week, another man who upsets a lot of people embraced it.

Markets are very sensitive to any upsets in the Japanese economic machine.

A disruption of any part of the digestive system upsets the whole system.

Round two of the NCAA Men's Basketball Tournament gets underway today and more upsets could be on tap.

Other factors, such as stress, emotional upsets and food sensitivities can cause an increase in blood pressure.

"I wouldn't 27 jig her, Sir, if I were you," says the nurse; "a very little upsets her."

And some advise against using painkillers, particularly the stronger ones like aspirin and ibuprofen, as they can cause stomach upsets after a heavy night out.

Market conditions and upsets regarding property values, housing, mortgages, and securities will cause many to despair and wonder if the financial crisis will continue forever.

The presence of his very English wife and family (they have two sons) upsets one's image of him as a free-wheeling literary type with no responsibilities.

If your dog does not suffer from digestive upsets when his food is changed, then you might even consider changing foods every time the bag runs out.

Gone, in other words, is any sense that blogging as a technology is revolutionary, subversive or otherwise exalted, and this upsets some of its pioneers.

Even a hint that something is wrong upsets you so much that you are unable to calm down until you get a clear indication from your partner that the relationship is safe.

Lemon is known to have been used by the Romans as a treatment for stomach upsets and also as a breath freshener. The British Navy have also used it in the past to aid the prevention of scurvy.

Lifestyle upsets, including severe stress (death in the family, divorce, job loss) and changes in your diet (crash programs, lack of protein), can cause your hair to shed more rapidly than normal.

In addition, she often mistakenly assumes that if she could ask him lots of questions about how he is feeling and he a good listener, then he would feel better. This only upsets Martians more.

标签:造句 upsets