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more succinctly造句


1、No example portrayed this more succinctly that photogenic "Smiling Chiefs."

more succinctly造句

2、The code even looks similar in many cases, just stated more succinctly.

3、A member of the liberal Ghad party put it more succinctly. "it's our army," he said.

4、MOA-2007-BLG-192-L b, or more succinctly MOA-192 b, may not have the catchiest name in the galaxy, but it's an interesting planet nonetheless.

5、Or, as President Clinton's Medicare chief Bruce Vladeck puts it more succinctly, "What people don't understand about Medicare is how crappy the benefit package is."

6、Moments of crisis produce a redoubled vitality in men. Or, more succinctly perhaps: Men don't begin to live fully until thier backs are against the wall. 危急关头人们会活力倍增。或者,也许可以更简洁一点说:置之死地而后生。
