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rate of unemployment造句


She spoke with feeling about the high rate of unemployment.

rate of unemployment造句

China is currently experiencing a high pressure of employment, high rate of unemployment.

The high rate of unemployment is making many families feel the pinch.

The high rate of unemployment be make many families feel the pinch

The Phillips curve is an attempt to describe the trade-off between the rate of price inflation and the rate of unemployment of Labour.

On the horizontal axis is the annual rate of growth in real GDP, on the vertical the change in the rate of unemployment (so that if unemployment goes from 5 to 6 percent, that's a + 1).

So the Phillips curve fell out of favour and was replaced by its corollary, the NAIRU, or non-accelerating inflation rate of unemployment (in effect, the natural rate).

Almost all the recent criticism from the mass media is directed at the ever increasing rate of unemployment.

The reasons of the change are as followings: the failure of keynesianism employment policy, the shock of economic globalization, the reality of high rate of unemployment, etc.

China's recent deflation has kept down her commodity prices and led to inadequate efficient demand, high rate of unemployment, as well as an oversupply of productive powers.

His book "Structural Slumps", published in 1994, is an ambitious attempt to provide a general theory of how the natural rate of unemployment evolves.

And the Fed may have concluded that American inflation is less sensitive than it was to changes in the rate of unemployment.

The only reason their rate of unemployment is lower than those without college degrees is because those with college degrees are more determined to find jobs.

And it heard evidence that migrants may push down the "natural" rate of unemployment, since they are more flexible than sluggish Britons about which jobs they take.

Once market participants started to take into account inflation in their behaviour, the economy would eventually end up with the same rate of unemployment as before but a higher rate of inflation.