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1、W3: My hometown is the center of car manufacturing.


2、W3: England has a long and interesting history.

3、W3: Its very different from what I expected. Its not at all like what I thought.

4、France haven't lost any of their last 6 games against South American teams at World Cup (W3 D3).

5、The WHATWG working group spec was eventually (after 4 years) folded back into W3, and Microsoft joined the effort again.

6、WHATWG 工作组最终(4年后)又返回了W3,微软也重新投入了力量。

7、Berners-Lee is director of the World Wide Web Consortium( W3 C) and a researcher at the Laboratory for Computer Science at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology.

8、The bright spot at the top right of the image is an active star-forming region called W3, which Wright studied with a 4-pixel balloon-borne telescope for his Ph.D. thesis in the 1970s.


10、实际评定试验中整套装置运行稳定、可靠,已成功用于TC - W3高档水冷二冲程汽油机油的清净*评定。

标签:W3 造句