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1、InfoQ: You've mentioned claims.


2、InfoQ: What next for restfulie?

3、InfoQ: Why isn't Microsoft involved?

4、InfoQ: How portable is the platform?

5、InfoQ: Are people comfortable using cloud?

6、InfoQ: What's on the roadmap after 1.8?

7、InfoQ: Can an organization change its culture?

8、InfoQ has more Pair Programming content here.

9、InfoQ: What are the key benefits of SCA?

10、InfoQ: Can you list some key success factors?

11、InfoQ: Where can readers find out more about the PVM?

12、InfoQ: What is the future roadmap for your project?

13、InfoQ: We have spent 10 years doing SOA.

14、InfoQ: in the InfoQ interview dated Dec 23, 2010, you mentioned that JClouds might work with libvirt soon so one can use JClouds for virtualization control?

15、InfoQ asked Ingersoll to describe the Payloads feature in more detail, and he said.

16、To find out more about the feature pack InfoQ talked to its chief Architect, Andrew spyker.

17、InfoQ: What are the main misconceptions you see in the industry about SOA?

18、InfoQ spoke with Terracotta team about new features in the latest version.


20、关于Adobe AIR,还有什么InfoQ读者需要知道的吗?

21、InfoQ: Given the current state of open source ESBs, would you consider them to be on par with commercial alternatives?

22、InfoQ: I know a number of teams are waiting for Seam 3 and RichFaces 4 before moving to JSF 2.

23、InfoQ asked about the "virtual multicast channels" and how they work in a typical JEE clustering application.

24、InfoQ spoke with Chad Wathington of ThoughtWorks Studios team to get more details on the new release of their test automation tool.

25、InfoQ: It's hard to measure ROI for TDD and BDD, and results may not appear immediately (and certainly not in realtime).

26、为了寻求该功能包的更多细节,InfoQ采访了它的首席架构师,Andrew spyker。


28、The latest version of Coherence also features improved clustering protocol enhancements. InfoQ asked how the protocol and communications infrastructure has evolved as the product has grown.



31、While the OWASP Top Ten list, presented by InfoQ, focuses on web application security risks, the CWE Top 25 covers a broader range of issues including the famous buffer overrun vulnerability.




35、如果你想要了解关于使用这些标准和这个架构蓝图如何构造组合应用一些更多的细节,请参考这本发表在InfoQ上的 迷你书。




39、《领域驱动设计精简版》由InfoQ中文站制作,孙向晖和霍泰稳翻译并审校,霍泰稳为责任编辑。 发行本书的目的在于尽可能地介绍领域驱动设计,促使这一概念成为主流。

40、正如本周的InfoQ文章所指出的,如果没有时间反省和学习,敏捷将停滞并变成另一个“草包族(cargocult,译注:意思相当于盼望从天上掉馅饼,有点类似守株待兔的意思。 出自物理学家费因曼(Richard Feynman)写的“CargoCult Science”中的一个故事。

标签:造句 InfoQ