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He leaned nearer, speaking confidentially.


Did Nancy want him to tip off the IRS confidentially?

"That's how I felt when we were squatting," said Phyl confidentially.

They went to a day-labor employment agency armed with questionnaires for a sample of workers to fill out confidentially.

Many jurisdictions treat rape exams confidentially, but some will require that a parent or guardian be notified.

A doctor or nurse practitioner or someone at a local health or family planning clinic can offer you advice -confidentially if necessary.

Ellie could change things for the better by confidentially informing soldiers with PTSD that she feels they could be a risk to themselves and others, and advising them about how to seek treatment.

You looked at me with a cordial, gracious, all-embracing glance, which was almost a caress. You smiled at me tenderly-yes, tenderly, is the word-and said gently, nay, confidentially: “Thanks so much.” 你看了我一眼,那眼光温暖、柔和、深情,似乎是对我的爱抚,你含情脉脉地冲我一笑,用一种非常轻柔的、简直可说是亲昵的声音对我说:“多谢,小姐。”