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defined function造句


1、If a user defined function with the same name as the destination user defined function exists at the Subscriber:

defined function造句

2、A function template is like an extension to a user-defined function.

3、A user-defined function is declared as a sub or as a private function in a module.

4、Expressions can resolve a user-defined function only if the function is declared as one of the following:

5、The following SQL script contains the source code for creating the Calculate user-defined function (UDF).

6、The solution for aggregation of timestamp durations is to use TIMESTAMPDIFF, a built-in UDF (user defined function) that is included with DB2 UDB, as shown in the following example.

7、When you use DB2 v9.7 to run the JSONx bundle, you use two other new features to produce the output: indexing on the view and an XML user-defined function.

8、Create and delete user defined functions.