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as well as造句


Work as well as play.

as well as造句

I play basketball as well as him.

She sings as well as her sister.

Film, music, as well as small video.

Film, as well as small video.

Be practical, as well as principled.

Validation as well as constraint and consistency checking.

This nylon doesn't knit up as well as pure wool.

Avish bus and train subsidies, as well as road tolls.

Smoking is dangerous, as well as making you smell bad.

There must be hypocrisy as well as cruelty.

Lisa: well if everyone dressed as well as you Vincent, we would have very happy clients!

The students were dressed well to attend the graduation ceremony, as well as the teachers.

Output grew faster than sales, as firms refilled their warehouses as well as meeting customers' orders.

He is remembered now also as an educator as well as a city god of Beijing.

There are as well as density-dependent biological factors such as disease, predation, and intraspecific competition

All's well That Ends well has another author as well as William Shakespeare, according to reSearch from Oxford University academics.

The beans were highly prized and used as money as well as to produce a drink known as chocolate.

Leaders provide answers as well as direction, offer strength as well as dedication, and speak from experience as well as understanding of the problems they face and the people they work with.

We observe today not a victory of party, but a celebration of freedom, symbolizing an end, as well as a beginning; signifying renewal, as well as change.

Middle class is a cultural phenomenon as well as a financial status and relationship, a historical phenomenon as well as a realistic issue.

Coping with climate change needs China as well as India; energy security needs Saudi Arabia and Russia, as well as oil-dependent Japan or the Europeans.

In defining a more vigorous and coherent EU role in global health, you are looking for fairness as well as efficiency, and stressing prevention as well as cure.

We may as well ask whether writing on paperis journalism.

You might as well ask me where Carmen Sandiego is.

He treated me as a father have add, cherish as brother, like the same care truly love as well as I as his hand of treasure.

It is the national well-known original Mashi Landholder Group manor as well as the biggest national cave manor.

Fu Lei was a well-known translator of French literature in China as well as an artist with profound attainments.

I think spending time reading some of the classics, as well as passionately pursuing new interests, is energy well invested.

We have much to learn from success stories, as well as from places where things have not gone so well.

However it scored well in charts, as well as the following singles, the success wasn't anyhow astonishing .

The electronics box contains the basic electronic circuitry as well as any supplementary boards.

The inherent relation exists between DM and hypertension as well as hyperlipidemia.

This is important for Search Engine Optimization as well as general usability of the website.

Answers will be marked for neatness as well as for accuracy.

Normative statements and norms, as well as their meanings, are an integral part of human life.
