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She moved slowly, dragging her sore feet.


One is dragging away from an existing node.

He had no intention of dragging her daughter down the dark back alley. No.

Tyler was pulling driftwood logs out of the surf and dragging them up the beach.

Two redneck hunters were dragging their dead deer back to their pickemup truck.

Add another import by dragging it from the palette into the assembly.

Uganda's President, Yoweri Museveni, may also be dragging out negotiations in the hope of smashing Mr Kony militarily.

We left John Canty dragging the rightful prince into Offal Court, with a noisy and delighted mob at his heels.

After all, dragging out your existence in that tight eastern corner is by no means a permanent solution.

In Lahore, local television showed police dragging two suspects through an angry throng of onlookers, who beat one as he was shoved into a police van.

Eared seals can be playful; surfing, tossing and dragging rocks, sticks or other animals, chasing each other, wrestling, rolling over, waving their flippers, or biting their own tails.

You had your rudder broken many a time, my boat, and your sails torn to tatters. Often had you drifted towards the sea, dragging anchor, and heeded not.

Tip: If you define several build steps, you can reorder them by dragging and dropping them where you want them to go.

That moon would have interacted with a disk of gas surrounding Saturn at the time, dragging its orbit closer and closer.

Horizontal dragging was, by far, the most frequently used type of drag in this application. This drag threshold made it difficult for a user to inadvertently begin a vertical drag.

But nearly 100 million years ago relatives of modern snakes undulated through Cretaceous period waters aided by a paddlelike tail and dragging a pair of short, footless hind legs.

You can build an XML query visually by selecting sample resultant nodes from a tree representation of a schema or XML document and dragging the nodes onto a return grid.

While there are always exceptions, general guidelines are that if you wake with energy in the morning and find yourself dragging in the afternoon, the fatigue may have a physical origin.

标签:dragging 造句