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interface type造句


1、A data error has occurred. The interface type is unknown.

interface type造句

2、The S3Service object is actually an interface type.

3、Once an object has been upcast to an interface type, only the members specified in the interface can be used.

4、An interface that has a contravariant type parameter allows its methods to accept arguments of less derived types than those specified by the interface type parameter.

5、As with all method sets, in an interface type, each method must have a unique name.

6、'|1' is an interface type, and so is not a valid expression.

7、The type_id string is the interface type also known as the repository id format.

8、When a class has implemented an interface, objects created from that class can be upcast to the interface type, as demonstrated by Listing 12-3.

9、Adding closures means that I don't have to define an interface type as I did in the original Filter interface, or rely on specific implementations for desired behaviors.

10、You can then refer to implementing objects as that interface type and call whatever methods exist on that interface. As an example, in Listing 13, I've defined a simple interface called filter.

11、If the target field type specifies the EJB business interface type, the caller does not need to be concerned with any of the specifics of calling an EJB.

12、Note how the code taken from the GUI in Listing 5 references the interface type only — the implementation of the interface is not used (or imported) anywhere in the GUI.

13、Keep this in mind so you don't make the mistake of thinking that all references to a class have been changed to the new interface type.

标签:造句 type