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Then he makes lunch.


Let's break for lunch.

Take someone out to lunch.

Shall we adjourn for lunch?

The court adjourn for lunch.

I seldom lunch at home.

After lunch he retired to his study.

Carol and Tom invited us to lunch.

Botham came on to bowl after lunch.

Part of last night's dinner was reheated for lunch today.

My colleagues and I walk a mile everyday after lunch.

They are waiting for their lunch in a steamy room.

They are waiting for their lunch in some steamy haus.

There's nothing like a little doze after lunch.

If there's no fridge, pack your lunch in a small insulated lunch bag with an ice pack.

When you get to lunch you 're not starving and you can make reasonable choices for lunch and dinner.

After lunch Jack went out and wandered slowly round the circus tent.

An insulated lunch container with re-usable ice packs help keep things fresh.

It was in Spanish class, just after lunch, that I remembered.

I had just eaten my lunch. I was feeling somewhat drowsy.

Spruce up your homemade lunch with some tasty extras, like condiments.

For me it was difficult because Americans eat for their breakfast what we used to eat for lunch, and for their lunch what we used to have for our breakfast.

Their first ‘date’ was to meet for lunch at Mr Bentley’s local pub in East Ham, London.

Well, maybe you'll come for lunch some Sunday,so we can really thank you for bringing Richard's bag back.

He looked at his watch: It was almost 12:30. At the height of lunch hour, he needed a flashlight.

Ordering something that will reheat easily will provide you with a delicious lunch or dinner the next day.

Over lunch I find myself sitting under Genrikh Yagoda - a thin, cadaverous-looking man with a black moustache.

Workers at an automobile factory demanded three minutes washing-up time before lunch and three minutes at the end of their shifts.

She smiles triumphantly, then asks me to join her for lunch at Tao, the loud, expensive Asian restaurant down the street.

Drinking water is not only better for you, for some who eat lunch out every day, this simple substitution will save them over $30 a month.

I think I'm seeing Mr. Green at11 and Mr. Don for lunch at12: 30. Would you mind telling me if that's correct, please?

After the lunch, Brother Xu and Brother Chen and Sister Pan took the children to the "beautiful foothill " in Rong Shui, beginning our journey.

Or unexpected ACTS of service, such as taking children shopping for something that's important to them. Or finding little ways to express love, such as leaving a note in a lunch box or briefcase.

When I make the Best … Soup … Ever, or my veggie chili, for example, I pack a whole bunch in different containers so I can just grab them for lunch during the week.

The pay is lower, about $625 a month, but lunch in the ministry canteen is free, and she gets benefits that hark back to socialist days, including a housing allowance.

2inspired, “Yep sometimes it does get a bit lonely here. I try to mix it up by joining a group & having lunch w/a pal every once in awhile.”

It's not often I accept an offer of late lunch from a taxi driver, but a day spent with Katim, and a week in Gambia, had made me less suspicious than I am in London.


标签:lunch 造句