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1、dispatcher descriptor


2、Select the dispatcher link.

3、Scaling up: the dispatcher thread.

4、Set the correct dispatcher location.

5、Setting the correct dispatcher location.

6、She's hoping to get a dispatcher job.

7、Db2disp: The client connection concentrator dispatcher.

8、Alias to the first Cognos dispatcher.

9、The services associated with each dispatcher.

10、The chief dispatcher was issuing fast, low-key instructions.

11、Possible result codes and descriptions of simple dispatcher network tests.

12、The dispatcher also provides basic content-based routing functionality.

13、Start the control dispatcher thread for our service.

14、The shunting of the station works, by station dispatcher (did not set dispatcher, by station attendant) unified leader.

15、The principal, assistant, adjuvant and dispatcher herbs which constitute a formula were called “monarch, minister, adjuvant and dispatcher” in ancient time.

16、The run server contacts the job dispatcher when it starts up and informs the job dispatcher that it is ready to accept tasks for execution.

17、Next to the dispatcher cluster information as a whole, there is a need to update the cluster views of each dispatcher with the running states of the services.

18、This dispatcher assured the gentleman that it was on the way.

19、This transforms the main thread of the calling process into the control dispatcher.

20、Job dispatcher(作业调度器)是执行控制的机器。

21、The dispatcher is still initializing. Contact your administrator if this problem persists.

22、This means that both Source and Target dispatcher URIs will be the same.


24、As long as he describes the buildings around, the dispatcher can dispatch emergency medical workers to him.

25、The "message dispatcher" pattern: the EIP Component sends the message to a list of service providers (multipoint).

26、Actually, the weight is assigned to the dispatcher and not at the service level, so it applies to all services hosted by the dispatcher, which makes sense as they all share the same hardware.

27、Each run server then executes the migrated code and returns the results back to the job dispatcher.

28、As for ingredients of principal, assistant, adjuvant and dispatcher herbs in a formula, there is not mechanical regulation.

29、The dispatcher controls these voltages based on experience, previous operating practices, and off-line load flow studies.

30、This example will dispatch a message into the grid, identify which grid partition has been assigned to process the message, and return that information back to the dispatcher.

31、Just as you sometimes want to call on superclass methods in an inherited method, you also sometimes want to call on less specific rules within a dispatcher.

32、Advantages of this solution are homogeneity (the mediations and the throttler and dispatcher both run in the same environment) and high-performance design (entirely synchronous).

33、She transferred to another GED program, but the job she was hoping to get, as a dispatcher with the county sheriff's office, vanished.

34、The dispatcher list ACTS as a load balancer so that Cognos 8 will contact the dispatchers in the order they appear within Cognos configuration.

35、Terri Minogue, a senior dispatcher at the Santa Cruz Consolidated Emergency Communications Center, remembers a911 call from a man who said there were two dead bodies in a car.

36、Our work can provide the reliable environment for testing system, train dispatcher and students before running in real place and help student familiar with pool structure and operation way.

37、Article 19 the operator, dispatcher and other post staff of the CRC line operating unit shall pass the qualification test by the MCRCAS before getting on post by certificate.
