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Emporio Armani造句


1、Emporio Armani Underwear and Armani Jeans are all about a youthful attitude making her the perfect choice for the collections.

Emporio Armani造句

2、The single forward's hot body recently landed him an underwear campaign with Emporio Armani.

3、Emporio Armani, the Italian fashion house, has made a discreet foray into furnishings.

4、The 34-year-old actress is still dynamic in her performing career, playing the leading role in three films and replacing Zhang Ziyi as the new brand ambassador of Emporio Armani.

5、记得那晚我和她都精心地打扮,大家穿上白天shopping回来的新衣裳,我穿的是一件闪着亮光的黑*直身Emporio Armani吊带短裙,颈上戴着一串串Chanel珠链。她穿的那件及膝小礼服,虽然是一身黑,但服装款式和布料层次分明。下摆是蕾丝打褶裙,腰系黑缎带,特点是上身黑雪纺点缀着许多同*绣花小圆点,若隐若现的。最让我惊讶的是,她信心十足地里面竟然什么都不穿,我则整晚都没敢朝她胸前正面直望。我们走进餐厅,还没坐定,就听到背后盘子*叉当啷当啷跌落一地的声音,我想,这侍应一定为他的不小心而感到懊恼万分。她却忍不住窃笑,“你看,那小男生看到我们惊艳得碗盘都拿不稳了。”

标签:Emporio Armani 造句