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a purely impressionistic description of the incident


With his eyesight dropping, his paintings became more impressionistic.

I like abstract art, but I prefer impressionistic art.

Even dad can't draw a funny impressionistic drawing like this. The real mammy is more pretty of course.

The changing tendency of modern drama in the new period is that from vividness, illusion and singleness to impressionistic writing, supposition and synthesis.

This poem remembers that time, but in an impressionistic way. I wanted to convey the stillness, the waiting, the about-to-happen feeling of summer light going.

"Using a whole-tone scale of five tones, free treatment of rhythm, and subtle dynamics (loudness and softness), Debussy turned away from Wagner when he composed the. atonal and impressionistic "Pelleas and Melisande"(1902)."

In the Grapes of Wrath Steinbeck has achieved an interesting contrapuntal effect by breaking the narrative at intervals with short, impressionistic passages recorded as though by a motion picture camera moving quickly from one scene to another and from one focus to another.