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to copy造句


Failed to copy file ZZ

to copy造句

Do I really need to copy it?

And people want to copy us.

I want you to copy carefully.

We were to copy out these words.

To copy TangJun's success, first, we need to copy his diligence!

In the copy Selections area, enter the actuality and period to copy historical rates for.

In the copy from area, enter the actuality and period to copy historical rates from.

To say what people have said; to copy other's writhing

Enter a folder from which to copy the snapshot files.

Try to copy the slurping sound of people around you.

I have to copy down all the sales orders.

Britain's Tories want to copy the CBO model.

Some of Europe's advantages are hard to copy.

You can copy tables, data, stored procedures, referential integrity constraints, security, and indexes. Choose the object(s) to copy.

Copy tables, data, stored procedures, referential integrity constraints, security, and indexes. Specify the object(s) to copy.

With respect to data in main storage, to copy it to backing storage.

He had to copy the manuscript to CD according to his order.

Unable to copy this file. Select OK to skip or Cancel to abort

She uses the new ODS data object copy-and-paste functionality to copy and paste from the DB2 connection to her Oracle connection.

I was busier in the last period, I could not copy my working dairy to this blog, so I have to copy them into together now.

Unable to copy contents of the active trace window to the clipboard

One who is employed to take dictation or to copy manuscript.

File transfer means to copy files from one system to another.

Not enough memory to copy the screen image. Do you want to continue?

For: it is impossible to copy the classic, therefore it is unnecessary to defile it.

Panama's president, Ricardo Martinelli, made his country's first state visit there in 2010 and later said, “We copy a lot from singapore and we need to copy more.

Warm Notice : Please avoid the questions related to copy right during the Q&A session, for example, the question like whether I can copy your audio-visual product.

To do this you will need to copy the link to the service you wish to subscribe to.

Data Required Variant . The name of the Recordset object to copy into the range.

"Select the source containing the unattended Setup answer file you want to copy:

The connection should quickly establish itself and start scanning for the files to copy.

Willie Smith had got a new sister, and now he'll think I'm trying to copy him.

You are kindly recommended to copy pictures directly from online sources using the“ WYSIWYG” mode.

Arab countries are beginning to realise that the best way to deal with Israel is to copy its vibrant economy.

A key to this is an easy way to pay and content that is hard to copy.

A pedestrian monk came to the door to copy and saw her holding her in her hand, laughing and laughing.

I have table structure in one Server DB and I want to copy data to another Server DB table.

Never, ever, attempt to copy others' designs for any reason at all. it is a death sentence to any designer.

"For each selected volume, Remote Storage will create a task on %1 to copy each eligible file to remote storage.

You also have to use the memalign function and strcpy to copy the data into an area of appropriate alignment.

How to copy print color drawings in UG NX3I want to show color lines on printed drawings. please tell me how to copy print color drawings in UG NX3.

For example, a user might want to copy the caption of an image, but they're not likely to want to copy the label of a TAB item or a screen title, such as Accounts.

This is my favorite method when there are large Numbers of files to copy: install a second hard drive, then boot Knoppix, then copy files from the old disk to the new disk.

The folder you are attempting to copy does not exist. It may have been moved or deleted.

The option to copy a subscription database is not supported with the current version of the Subscriber.

In computer programming, to copy from locations in main storage into locations in the same main storage.

Specify whether to copy one or more tables/views or the results of a query from the data source.

Everyone has their own way of life, we do not need to copy the lives of others.

She used to laugh at the shopping lists the cook would try to copy out. It would never have occurred to her to teach him to read.

When the four secretaries had orders to copy every day, they would copy them on a square table made of white wood, no matter how early or how late, so that they could finish writing.

But once you're done, you may want to copy the class file to another directory or zip it up to send it to someone else by E-mail.

Simply move your mouse around to change the color, scroll to change the luminosity and click to copy the values to your clipboard.

To install the supplemental os and intraverse package you will need to copy them from the firewall server to each ad machine

The recordings store has been determined to be corrupt, and was unrecoverable. The system failed to copy the corrupt information to a backup file.

The new note has additional security features such as a 3d security ribbon designed to make it easier to identify and harder to copy.

Worse, the private firms have to pay a 3% tax on their revenues to subsidise state-run television-a model Spain intends to copy.

The correct way to do this would be to use the strncpy function instead of strcpy , and give the maximum number of bytes to copy as BUFSIZ - 1.

The Licensee is not permitted to copy an EPO data carrier using all data, data structure and software as sent to the Licensee by the EPO.

This big vertical space allows all members room to "storm" at the same time, but you might have to copy down the results onto paper later.

When we want to pass a large object as an argument. The time and space costs to copy the object are often too high for real-world applications.

Assume we wish to copy data from /opt/pluto on the local host to the remote host nordkapp filesystem /opt/pluto.

Assume we wish to copy data from /opt/pluto on the local host to the remote host nordkapp filesystem /opt/pluto, I could use

(computer science) protocol that allows users to copy files between their local system and any system they can reach on the network.

Method: Take Bacillus Coli endotoxin to copy rats endotoxic heat - stasis syndrome model, then test the effect of PRC on rheology and coagulation indexes.

标签:COPY 造句