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完形填空。  MrEvansworkedinSeattle,butthenhechangedhisjob.He...



完形填空。  MrEvansworkedinSeattle,butthenhechangedhisjob.He...


   Mr Evans worked in Seattle, but then he changed his job. He and his wife moved to  1   town. They didn’t have many   2   there,    3   they soon met many interesting people,    4   a few weeks they often went to dinner or to   5   at other people’s homes.

   One day Mr and Mrs Evans also had a party at home. They  6   their friends to come. They and their friends all had a good time. They sang and danced  7   and didn’t   8   even it was very late. At   9   a policeman came and asked them to   10   their party because they made so much noise.

(   ) 1. A. other        B. the other    C. another

(   ) 2. A. friends       B. children     C. jobs

(   ) 3. A. and          B. but        C. so

(   ) 4. A. After         B. Before        C. About

(   ) 5. A. meetings      B. picnics     C. parties

(   ) 6. A. shouted       B. invited     C. sent

(   ) 7. A. quickly       B. badly       C. happily

(   ) 8. A. leave         B. begin       C. come

(   ) 9. A. hreakfast      B. once        C. midnight

(   )10. A. begin         B. stop        C. go on with


1C 2A 3B 4A 5C 6B 7C 8A 9C 10B

知识点:人物传记 故事阅读类

