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role play造句


Rehearse interviews with friends through role play.

role play造句

Imitating the masters in patriarchal examples of Zen is also parallel to role play.

Practicing this simple little role play is only limited to your imagination.

Fill in the chart. Then role play a conversation with a student from America.

And last year won the Toni prize in the play version of the role played by Brian Koranston will continue to play the role of Linden Johnson in the film version.

Rehearse your responses aloud, role play with a friend or videotape yourself -- but don't memorize your words.

"Bottom-spanking, whip fantasy and role play scenarios are an interest Mr Mosley accepts he has had since quite a young age, " Price told the court.

On my first day of teaching Principles of Corporate Finance, I had my students participate in a role play exercise about a major airline in crisis.

标签:play role 造句