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down below造句


1、The cave is down below right here.

down below造句

2、And down below the treacle waves.

3、That's because under high-pressure systems, cold air slides down mountain slopes and pools down below.

4、We emphasize things that are rational and conscious and are inarticulate about the processes down below.

5、In the sixth section, down below, he speaks of "man's blood-sodden heart."

6、(The tower still displays its bullet wounds,and a stained- glass window down below illustrates the paratroopers' landing.)

7、Even so, it was better here where he could see than down below locked in some airless cabin.

8、Two friends swiftly climbed up the trees, throwing down several clusters of litchis with leaves. Chen, Ye and I were down below catching them.

9、The two are aiming to bring their deployed arsenals down below the 1,700-2,000 by 2012 agreed in the 2002 Moscow treaty.

10、He had a tall pointed blue hat, a long grey cloak, a silver scarf over which a white beard hung down below his waist, and immense black boots.

11、Bothered by the heat, tired, and irritable from pulling, the mother, whose thoughts were on her husband who was gambling down below, constantly scolded her son for being a nuisance.

12、It was designed to be easily accessible and to extend the perception of the campus to its westernmost edge, which is strikingly visible from the Hudson River down below.

13、In the large riverside mansions that lined the banks, there would be opulently dressed men and women, some leaning against the windows or the balconies looking into the distance and some looking down gazing fixedly at something going on down below.

14、This was a useless clause in the bargain, for whenever the coward sees the first glimpse of the shores of Africa, he runs down below, and can only be induced to appear again when we are out of sight of that quarter of the globe."

15、i that am lost,oh who will find me 吾已迷失,谁人来寻? deep down below the old beech tree 老山毛榉,下方深处 help succour me now,the eastwind blow 东风起兮,吾求帮助 16 by,6,brother,and under we go 十六乘六,吾之兄长,向下前行
