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depend upon造句


High level modules should not depend upon low level modules. Rather, both should depend upon abstractions.

depend upon造句

Nature is what we humans depend upon for survival.

The strike will ruin the country,depend upon it.

The chemical properties depend upon the electrons on the outside.

If you cannot depend upon God's love to always be there, on whose love can you depend?

Preyer should never depend upon the place or the people. It should depend only on you belief.

Without it there would be no life, for plant life depends upon radiant energy-and we depend upon plant life.

Remember, happiness doesn't depend upon who you are or what you have, it depends solely upon what you think.

The expanded form of the equation will depend upon the selected coordinate system.

Those perceptions depend upon their sharing criteria and authorities in case of dissensus.

The following item(s) depend upon the currently selected Package Item(s):

Instead of depending on alcohol, A.A. members are encouraged to depend upon one another.

Obviously, the "test" task will depend upon what you ultimately want your assistant to do.

"People who live near mountains depend upon the mountains for their livelihood, and those who live near the sea depend upon the sea for theirs. If seafaring folk did not live at the seashore, where else would they live?"

The vitamin B12 requirements appear to depend upon the levels of choline, methionine and folic acid in the diet.

Once a very rich man, he is now down and out and must depend upon his friends for help.

From a quality perspective, you want to find a solution that does not depend upon clock synchronization services.

Conservation of the world's biota, as we know it, will depend upon rapid, steep declines in greenhouse gas emissions.

Absorptivity, reflectivity and transmissivity depend upon the wave length of the rediant energy striking the surface and also upon the temperature of the surface.

I was alone in the world, and had nothing to depend upon but my wits and a clean reputation;

These depend upon the layer below, and all applications that use them depend on them, so, ideally, they are pretty stable by the time that applications are built atop them.

She knows that her well-being in the village — and, perhaps, her hopes of a medical career — depend upon her surrender.

Real estate decisions also depend upon a rich institutional fabric of land use regulations, financial institutions, legal contracts and cultural preferences.

General cargo vessels depend upon shipping agents and loading brokers to fill out their cargo space and to issue their bills of lading.

"You may depend upon it, Madam," said Miss Bingley, with cold civility, "that Miss Bennet shall receive every possible attention while she remains with us."

The benefit that you will derive from the course will depend upon the extent to which you expose your own viewpoints or conclusions to the critical judgement of the class.

Pesticide residues and patulin are two important factors affecting the quality of fruit juice, the contents of which depend upon the quality of raw fruit and the processing technology for fruit juice.

"Well, then, if you did, depend upon it, Fernand picked it up, and either copied it or caused it to be copied; perhaps, even, he did not take the trouble of recopying it.

The precise make-up of the emergency budget will depend upon what Mr Darling himself does in his own budget in spring 2010, with revised Treasury forecasts and details on how he will squeeze spending.

标签:造句 depend