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NGC 77造句


1、which contains a few bright stars but is made up of a collection of galaxies that form the Sculptor Group. Other known galaxies that belong to this group include NGC 55, NGC 253 and NGC 7793.

NGC 77造句

2、Galaxies of the NGC 7771 group are featured in this intriguing skyscape.

3、NGC 770's fuzzy, elliptical appearance contrasts nicely with a spiky foreground Milky Way star in matching yellowish hues.

4、这个星系位于玉夫座星群,它包含一些明亮的星,并和一些其他明亮的星系如NGC55、NGC 253和NGC 7793共同构成了玉夫座。

5、NGC 770朦胧的椭圆形状与前景中银河系黄*恒星的芒角状形成了显明对比。

标签:NGC 造句