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Never give honest feedback in the project retrospectives.


These retrospectives involve a 2-3 day offsite meeting and a trained facilitator.

Using these metrics as part of your retrospectives does not guarantee project success.

Once introduced, refer to it as situations arise in the team and use it as material for retrospectives.

If you work alongside other teams that use retrospectives then it may be possible to take turns to facilitate them for each other.

The power of regular retrospectives and regular exercise is that they prevent big problems from happening so there should be no war stories or miraculous transformations!

Even if you aren't on an Agile team, you can hold retrospectives at releases, milestones, or at regular intervals to improve the way the team is working.

Poor performance by individuals is best dealt with managers or HR department and the Prime Directive firmly sets such conversations outside the scope of retrospectives.

I have worked with teams where running regular heartbeat retrospectives made a big difference in the long term but because the changes were gradual and slow they don't make great headlines.

Although a retrospective starts with looking back over events, the reason for doing this is to change the way we will act in the future - retrospectives are about creating change not navel-gazing.

敏捷团队常常会发现,在做 回顾(retrospectives)的过程中,他们往往很容易就总结出一箩筐需要改变的方面,但现实中却很难去实现这些改变。