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     Determination is the quality you show when you’ve decided to do something and you won’t let anything stop you. There are different kinds of determination. 36  It means you work hard to finish a difficult task to achieve your goals despite obstacles. Another one is coasting determination, which means you’re putting off short-term satisfaction for success of long-term goals. For example, there is someone who is saving money for a big trip. 37

     Define success for yourself. Being determined is a skill that can be learned. To achieve it, firstly, you need to define success for yourself. You can ask yourself questions like: how do you want people to see you? How would you like to make an impact? 38

39 Once you know what success means to you, you will need to come up with goals that will help you achieve that success. It’s better to have a combination of big goals and small ones. Once you’ve worked out what you want to achieve, it’s time to figure out exactly how you can achieve your goals.

     Remove negative thinking. It is a must. 40 For example: if you find yourself thinking “I’m so weak that I can’t even do one push-up,” change that thought. Instead, you should think, “My goal is to be super strong and I’m working on doing push-ups.” More importantly, you should not only be focusing on the things that need to be improved, but also figuring out your strong points and how to use those to help you succeed.

A. So learn to identify the negative language you use.

舒中高二期中英语 第8页 (共10页)


B. One kind of them is uphill determination.

C. Determination helps you solve these problems.

D. Instead of going out to dinner, he saves the money to reach his long-term goal.

E. These questions will help you figure out what success means to you.

F. Set your personal goals.

G. Work hard to achieve your goals.




